Friday, April 24, 2020

TTP demonstration class 1(Geumyong)

1. 동아(윤정미) Middle School 1st grade

2. Lesson 8. Dream Together, Reach Higher

3. Tool : Nearpod, Zoom, Google Classroom

4. Target : Speaking, Vocabularies, Grammar

5. Objectives
(1) Ss are able to give opinions and agree or disagree with their group members
(1) Ss remind expressions of the main text.
(1) Ss learn the usage of that clause and adverb clauses of time(when, before, after)

6. Procedure
(1) Nearpod add on : Draw it
(2) Google Classroom assignment(수업)

(3) Nearpod add on : Memory Game
(4) Neardpod add on : Video(Youtube Koh Panyee FC soccer team)
(5) Neardpod add on : Time to climb(Comprehension Check up)

(7) Google Classroom Stream(Wrap UP)

Teaching Demonstration # 1 (Yujin)

<Textbook/Chapter  :  Middle School English (Dong-A - Lee) / Lesson 1>

1. Topic/Lesson Title: Can We Talk?

2. Materials/Tools :
(1) Zoom (
(4) Liveworksheets (

3. Learning Objective was to letting Students be able to learn key vocabulary from the main text and build up a schema for the text.

4. Teaching Procedures
(1) Introduction

a. Greet students
b. Present the objectives of today’s class
c.  Asking Ss to join the NAVER BAND

(2) Development

a. Classcard - Matching Game (Individual)
- Connect to the website ‘Classcard’(
              and play the word matching game.

          b. Word Scramble Game (Whole Class)

          c. Live worksheets (Individual)

* How to use the 'liveworksheet' is explained in NAVER Band(how to use 'liveworksheet').

(3) Consolidation

a. Review : Classcard Quiz Battle Game
- Connect to the website 클래스카드 배틀 and be a winner in the quiz game.

b. Homework : Record the reading passage and upload the voice file on NAVER

c. Preview : Next class, we will read the reading passage about communication.

Teaching Demonstration#1(Hyunjoo)

Writing a Menu of Three-course Meal

Topics : writing a menu / express favorite food

Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to express their favorite food.
  • Students will be able to write a menu introducing three dishes.

<Teaching Procedure>

1. Attendance Check Question
- Students join google classroom and add a comment answering the questions.
(Google classroom : pgysw64)

2. Review Quiz
- Students join Quizziz and answer the questions. (Quizziz)

3. Guessing Game
- Students guess the dish through the related words on the picture. 
(I made Word Art gathering the words from recipes (Example Word Art))

4. Gathering ideas about a three-course meal 
- Vocabulary teaching : Starter(appetizer), main dish, dessert
- Students put on ideas about the three-course meal on Padlet.

5. Group Work
- Students are divided into a group of three members and decide each part (starter, main dish, dessert)
- Students download their own group's file on google classroom and edit the file.
(Example Group Worksheet)
- Students decide a dish for each part and writing two sentences introducing each dish.
- Students decide the title of the menu considering the concept and Strengths of the dishes they chose.

<Requirements for writing>
  1. Each student chooses ONE part (Starter, Main dish, Dessert)
  2. Write your name under each part.
  3. Decide a dish for each part.
  4. Write 2 sentences introducing the dish (Include ‘-thing + adjective’ or ‘passive verb’ at least once.)
  5. Write the title of the menu on the top.

6. Show and Tell
- Each group briefly presents their three-course meal.

7. Wrap up
- Teacher will give feedback on their google file and students should check the feedback till next class.

* Google Presentation

Teaching Demonstration#1(Hyesuk)

Topic: Happy

1. Grade: H1, H2

2. Materials and tools: Zoom, Google classroom, Google slide, Youtube video, Quizlet, Lyricstraining, Google spreadsheets

3. Learning Objectives
   Students will be able to fill in gaps while listening a song 'Happy'.
   Students will be able to build up vocabulary power and translate it in Korean.

4. Procedure
* Google slide

1) Drawing or writing down things makes you happy : Zoom whiteboard

2) Short introduction of the song and listening to the song : Youtube Happy(lyrics)

3) Vocabulary and phrase review : Live game in Quizlet

4) Gap filling activity: Lyricstraining Happy Gap filling

5) Translating lyrics of the song: Google spreadsheet Happy Translation

6) Quiz for the class : Google form Quiz_Happy

7) Poll_Are you happy : Google form Poll_Happy

Teaching Demonstration #1(Taylor Kim)


Topic/Lesson Title:
Physical Appearance
Source of Inspiration/ Experimental Goal

     Teachers and students haven’t had any chance to meet each other face to face because of the breakout of COVID 19.  To relieve the thirst for meeting friends, classmates, and teachers, we can have vocabulary class to learn physical appearance and talk about their appearance with friends.
     This class idea and structure are borrowed from Chris Westergaard’s youtube channel( and I have customized it for my class and the class was always successful. I had to customize it again for the online setting.
Language Skills: reading, listening, speaking, writing

listening, speaking, writing
Learning Objective:  (What will learners know or be able to do after your lesson?)

Student will be able to
  1. Have daily conversations with physical appearance vocabulary
  2. Describe people with physical appearance vocabulary

Teaching Development Goals: (What do you hope to learn and/or accomplish as an educator?
                                                      Which criteria will you be focusing on improving)

Improving communicative skills
Broadening the horizon of vocabulary 
Cooperation(especially listening carefully to others)

Google classroom
Google document worksheet

Detailed Procedure
TEE Language Used
Greeting and setting up
  • Check students attendance and their online setting(zoom setting, nearpod sign in, padlet URL, google classroom sign in)

  • Encourage students to ask questions shown on the nearpod screen.
  • Think alone about the questions.
  • Ask and answer the questions in pair (in breakout room)
  • Share the answers in the whole class (students share their partners' answers!)
Q1.What about your appearance stands out the most?
Q2.Have you changed anything with your appearance recently?
Q3. If you could change anything about your appearance, what would it be?
Teaching vocabulary
  • Teach students vocabulary about physical appearance with the related pictures
  • Encourage students to add some more information about the vocabulary(e.g. More words, example sentences, etc.) on padlet.
5 categories of physical appearance vocabulary :  dress, hair, build, complexion, facial feature.
Describing people
  • Encourage students to describe their classmate using the vocabulary learned

Drawing Montage game
  • As a model, the teacher plays a role of witness describing a person and students play a role of police drawing mantages of the person on a nearpod “draw it” page.
  • Put students into pair in break out room and encourage them to take turn playing police and witness using zoom “white board”
  • Encourage students to submit their outcome (the montage they draw) to google drive. 
Don’t show it, Describe it!
Formative test
  • Let students do a formative test on google form.

  • Let students post their pictures and description on the stream of google classroom.

Teaching Demonstration #1 (Hyeji)

Grade Level : Middle school 3rd graders

Textbook/Chapter   : Donga(Yoon) / Chapter 5 - The Team Behind the Team

Language Skill : Reading

Procedure :

-The class is based on the Google Slide below.

- slide 1 : T starts with an introduction video made by Powtoon.
- slide 2 : T asks Ss to join Google Classroom with code 'lrzvmhf'.
- As a warm up, Ss are asked to write down their answer to the question on Google Classroom.

- slide 3~5 : Teacher shows a picture and two videos related to sports in the textbook.
- slide 6~7 : Teacher introduces today's topic and objectives. Students are reading objectives out loud.
- slide 8~10 Students read the text out loud two times. First they have to read, not thinking too much. Second, they try to understand the meaning while reading sentences.
- slide 11 : Jigsaw-like Activity : teacher divides students into 3 groups and each group should translate sentences allotted. (Groups and sentences allotted are written on Slide 11.)
A worksheet is on Google Classroom.

- slide 12 : Teacher forms 3 groups again with different members and students translate the whole text by helping one another.

- slide 13 : Students individually go to Google Classroom and solve the quiz in order to check their comprehension.

- slide 14Students upload their jigsaw worksheet on Google Classroom Homework.

teaching demonstration #1 (youngjoo)

Teaching demonstration #1

Textbook/Chapter  능률(김) Lesson 3. Sound Life

Grade Level: High school 1st grade

Lesson Title: healthy eating. 

Learning Objective
To enable students to get information ‘3 ways of to be healthy’ by listening to a You-tube video clip. 
To enable students to explain their favorite foods and the food their parents want them to eat. 
To enable students to make a poster to persuade ‘eating healthy foods’ 
To enable students to write a short column to decrease the consumption of unhealthy foods as much as possible

Teaching procedure (Nearpod)
1. motivation game
2. post student's opinion 'what is healthy eating?'
2. listening youtube
3. listening comprehension activity &summary
4. speaking dialogue
5. assignment
(making a poster by or writing a column)


Assignment Help

* Students can watch this video by themselves for making a poster
