Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sleeping Elephant

6th grade Cheon Jae(Ham) chapter 12. I’m faster than you.

Name: Jae-jung, Kang                                                 Grade Level: 6th grade
Textbook/Chapter  6th grade Cheon Jae(Ham) chapter 12. I’m faster than you.

Topic/Lesson Title: Cheon jae(Ham) chapter 12. I’m faster than you.
비교하는 표현으로 동물을 비교하고 문화의 다양성에 대해 생각해 봅시다.

Students can write comparative sentences and understand culture diversity.

Source of Inspiration/ Experimental Goal
Hangman Bingo, Sentence elimination, understanding culture diversity at closing of the class

Language Skills:Comparison expression with Comparative adjectives
(smarter, bigger, stronger, faster, older, taller, longer, better, than)

Learning Objective:  (What will learners know or be able to do after your lesson?)
비교급 표현으로 동물을 비교하고 문화의 다양성에 대해 생각해 봅시다.
Students can write comparative adjective sentences and understand culture diversity.

Teaching Development Goals: (What do you hope to learn and/or accomplish as an educator?
                                                     Which criteria will you be focusing on improving)
Using natural classroom English, Clarity and efficiency of giving instructions and
presenting presenting information, Experiment new activity(Hangman Bingo, Sentence elimination),
Give lesson of culture diversity.

PPT, Whiteboard for hangman bingo, worksheet and English note paper for sentence elimination

Activity 1. Hang man, Tic-Tac-Toe
Activity 2. Sentence Elimination

Monday, August 13, 2018

G6 L11. You have to wait in line.

Goal : To speak and write about jobs that they want to be using expressions of obligation; have to.

  1. Intro : Review
Using some interesting laws that contain obligation 'have to' from all over the world, Students(ss) answer the riddles below at each pace with Nearpod.
Material : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SU-zplEuIv7HDr1483N9yTkG_ta0bzYw
After that, elicit what they're going to learn today.

  2-1. quiz quiz trade
Students play a game where they guess jobs from clues that contain expressions of obligation (have to). There are five clues for each job. The first clue is quite difficult and the last clue is very easy. The student reads out the first clue on the card to their partner. Their partner listens to the clue and guesses what the job could be. If the guess is incorrect, the student reads the next clue and so on. If their partner correctly guesses the job, he or she gets the number of points indicated next to the clue. The two students then swap roles. Make sure that they should read out loud only one clue at a time.  

Material : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mzq2-jRodkMQ9l-Rr6nlygBONAheMMYg

  2-2. brainstorm
Put SS into a group of 4. Using 'popplet' website, ask SS to discuss and brainstorm a couple of obligations on what they want to be in the future which is they already learned at the very beginning of the grade. Make sure they put 'have to' in the brainstorming. In the middle is a box saying 'what do you want to be?' First, they add some boxes around the first one and put their dream jobs in there. Next, they make sentences about what they must do or be if they want to be successful in a particular job. 

  2-3. Write
They write the obligations about their dream jobs on the worksheet checking what they've done in the 'popplet'.
When they have finished, demonstrate that they're going to play 'quiz quiz trade' next time with their own writings.

Vocabulary activities: interactive crossword puzzle, word category, 'who am I' game

1. Learning Objectives
-Students will be able to learn a list of vocabulary related to jobs.
-Students will be able to talk about characteristics of the jobs.

2. Procedure
Four Pictures One Word/3’
-T shows four pictures and lets SS guess a word which includes them.
-T introduces the today’s topic: jobs.
-T asks SS to read aloud lesson goals.
Interactive Crossword Puzzle/10’
-T explains how to complete a crossword puzzle in groups and lets SS start.
-T checks the answers in whole class.
Categorizing words/5’
-T demonstrates how to make a group of words.
-T gives two minutes and then has them share in groups.
‘Who Am I?’ game/10’
-T explains the rules of ‘Who Am I?’ game.
-T walks around and provides linguistic help.
-T reminds SS of the today’s lesson goals.
-T previews the next class.

3. Presentation

4. Materials: Interactive Crossword Puzzle Worksheet

✐ Listening & Speaking Activities (Dictogloss & Jigsaw dialogue)

# Learning Objective:

1. Students will be able to understand the dialogue about how to express preferences.
2. Students will be able to ask and answer the preferences using the phrases, ‘which do you prefer, A or B?’, and ‘I prefer A to B.’
 #1. Pre-Listening Activities :   Talking about the topic with partners & Learning new words
First, we will talk about the topic related with today’s dialogue. There are several way to express your feeling to others such as singing a love song, writing a letter, sending a messages, speaking directly, etc. please the remember the phrases for your vocabularies. Then with your partner, talk about the topic briefly asking and answer each other.
#2. While-Listening Activities : Dictogloss & Jigsaw dialogue
1) Listening through Dictogloss
First Listen carefully to your sentences, concerning about meaning, spelling, and grammar. Second, fill in the blanks with the correct word, and you can discuss all of the sentences with your group members to complete the dialogue. At the first listening, listen carefully to your own sentences and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. At the second listening, write your own sentences on this large group paper. At the third listening, let's discuss all of the sentences together and complete the dialogue.
2) Translation doing Jigsaw dialogue
You can see color papers on the wall. When you go to your color paper, you can see your full sentences and explanations about your sentences. You can discuss it with the other team member as same as your color. When you understand and memorize your sentences, please come back to your group and teach your sentence like a English teacher.
3) Listening comprehension check up
4) Reading aloud the dialogue using 3 steps of ways
- step 1. reading aloud / step 2. code switching / step 3. shadowing speaking
#3. Post-Listening Activities : Practicing speaking (이상형 World Cup game & Psychic game)
What is the today’s target word? From now on, we will practice making questions and giving answers about what you like better using the ‘prefer verb’. 

Make yourself sound more natural : collocation


Name:  A Reum Seong                                                                                   Grade Level: Grade 11

Topic/Lesson Title :  Collocation

Source of Inspiration/ Experimental Goal

- Usage of website “Wordcloud Generator”, “ Create Cross word puzzle”
- Collocation domino game

Detailed Procedure
< warm up activity >

- Read a part of diary and find several unnatural expressions
- Guess the verb that can go together with the words in word cloud
- Explain types of collocation
: adverb + adjective, adjective + noun, noun + noun, noun + verb, verb + noun

< collocation dominoes >

- Make Ss into groups of 4
- Give Ss five collocation cards each and let them take turns to make collocation dominoes as
long as they can
- Let Ss make their own sentence using collocation when they add that collocation cards to

< wrap up activity >

- Let student check collocations on their dominoes using worksheet with the list of collocations
- Give worksheet for review (crossword puzzle)
- Review the collocations using memes

Differentiated Reading with an instant assessment tool

Image result for self assessment
Agnes Kim

In the classroom, assess the reading level of a student instantly is difficult. It takes long time to go and usually English teachers in Korea teaches more than 100 students. So Here's my simple suggestion how to diagnosis your students in a shot time properly. This lesson plan contains peer assessment too, so the teachers will apply these tools.

Past tense : I learned about green energy. (5/7)

Image result for progress monitoringSource of Inspiration / Experimental Goal

  • Simple diagnosis tool for the differentiated lesson. (Students will get different worksheets based on their level.) 
  • Practicing reading passage fluently. (in their level - differentiated lesson)
    (Students will their own conversation with their partner. Each student will have a different passage to read. In pairs, they will check their reading on their own.
  • Reading comprehension check by retelling.

Language Skills: Reading comprehension (reading & retelling)

Learning Objective: After this lesson, students will read the passage more fluently in a natural speed. Also the students will express what they read for checking their comprehension.Specially, they need to retell the story after they read the passage.

Detailed Procedure

TEE Language Used
Review the  new words and expressions (5’)
                             Review : Scan, Sort, Earn
With your group members, please scan the puzzle and find as many past tense verbs as you can. The letters should be placed next to each other. But you can use the letter again. When you find a past tense verb, please think about what is the present tense of the verb.
<ICQs> Q. Will you do that for alone?
Q. Which word should I find, “did” or “do”? Q. When you get a past tense verb, what should you do then?
Level test for leveled writing (5’)
                           Diagnosis students’ reading level
During 1 minute, Please read the story aloud  on your own. If you don’t know how to read a word, draw a line under the word and keep reading. Also if you don’t know the meaning of a word, please circle the word and keep reading. (After reading) 1. Count how many words you read during 1 minute  and write down the number in the first cell. 2. Count how many words you can’t read  and write down the number in the second cell. 3.Count how many words you don’t know and write down the number in the third cell. 4.The total score will be the composite score after taking away from the first word counts.
                           Find their level
If your composite score is ____, you are Oxford group. If your composite score is ____, you are Yale group. If your composite score is ____, you are Harvard group. If your composite score is ____, you are Cornell group.
Meet their partner and read the story (15’)
                           Each pair will read the story and retell the story.
Find a student who is in the same group and make a pair. One will be A, and the other will B.

1. (A’s reading & retelling)
During the first round, A will read the story to B aloud. While the story is being read, B will arrange the cards in order. After the reading, A will retell the story. When A cannot say anything, B will give some cue to A using the picture cards. B will check A’s retelling. After the retelling, B gives feedback about how was A’s retelling.
2. (B’s reading & retelling) During the second round, B will read the story to A aloud. While the story, A will arrange the card in order. After the reading, B will retell the story. When B cannot say anything, A will give some cue to B using the picture cards. A will check B’s retelling. After the retelling, A gives feedback about how was B’s retelling.
<ICQs> Q.Who’s going to read this time? Raise your hands. Q.While you listen to the story, what will you do? Q.Who will retell the story after the story reading?
Comprehension checking and writing (5’)
                           Check comprehension
With your partner, make 3 questions about what you read. Answer the three questions what you get from other friends. Write down the words in your notebook that you don’t know. Write down today’s record in your notebook and let’s compare our records to how we  do next month.

Materials for this lesson(Link)

1.Reading cards (passage part, word & picture part) - differentiated into 4 levels #1, #2

2.Diagnosis passage

3.Assessment plan

4.Peer evaluation sheet

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Teaching reading text itself (topic : understanding some jobs of my neighborhood)

Actually, we have experienced smart, nice and interesting teaching skills as post-reading activities like snooping-around or jigsaw crossword puzzle. However, there’s little activities for the reading text itself. Moreover, we, Korean English teachers have to teach a text of at least 3 or 4 paragraphs each chapter. What’s the point of learning some new after-reading skills if we still teach a text in an old-fashioned way, I mean, grammar-translated way.  That’s the starting point of my idea. I kept thinking about how to teach a text effectively and interestingly. While thinking about it, I met Nearpod, a complex of wonder-struck helpful tools for teaching. With this smart program, I hope I can make a reading class fun for both me and my students.

In this class, you will see...

- Nearpod as a tool for whole process of teaching reading the text
- Students study a part of the text individually and then explain their own reading parts to their team members so that whole members get the gist of the full text without looking over the all the text (a little bit different from Jigsaw activity).
- Students share their ideas at the end of the class as a chance for teaches to check the students' comprehension of the teaching material and for students to answer some questions from a teacher or post impressive key words or phrases. Teachers can make this step a chance to communicate with their students effectively.