Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Teaching reading text itself (topic : understanding some jobs of my neighborhood)

Actually, we have experienced smart, nice and interesting teaching skills as post-reading activities like snooping-around or jigsaw crossword puzzle. However, there’s little activities for the reading text itself. Moreover, we, Korean English teachers have to teach a text of at least 3 or 4 paragraphs each chapter. What’s the point of learning some new after-reading skills if we still teach a text in an old-fashioned way, I mean, grammar-translated way.  That’s the starting point of my idea. I kept thinking about how to teach a text effectively and interestingly. While thinking about it, I met Nearpod, a complex of wonder-struck helpful tools for teaching. With this smart program, I hope I can make a reading class fun for both me and my students.

In this class, you will see...

- Nearpod as a tool for whole process of teaching reading the text
- Students study a part of the text individually and then explain their own reading parts to their team members so that whole members get the gist of the full text without looking over the all the text (a little bit different from Jigsaw activity).
- Students share their ideas at the end of the class as a chance for teaches to check the students' comprehension of the teaching material and for students to answer some questions from a teacher or post impressive key words or phrases. Teachers can make this step a chance to communicate with their students effectively.

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