Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Review the last semester

* Worksheet (☜ Click) : Students review what they learned during the first semester with the worksheet

  1. Functions - to apologize, to ask meaning, to ask permission, to give advice, and so on
  2. Forms - tell O to R, that, to-infinitive(adj. & adv.), have pp, comparative, too ~ to R, relative pronoun, and so on

* Card game (☜ Click)

  1. There are two sets of cards: categories & words
  2. Put the category set on the table (face down)
  3. Make groups of 4
  4. Each student has 7 word cards
  5. Put the rest of word cards on the table facing down
  6. Students flip one category card at a time and make a sentence with the word on their cards in turn
  7. If s/he makes a proper sentence with their card, they can put their card on the word card set on the table
  8. If s/he can’t make a proper sentence with his/her card, s/he should pick up one card from the table and pass the turn
  9. The person who abandons his/her word cards will be the winner

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