Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Feelings and Emotions

 Topic :  Feelings and emotions😀

-Textbook/Chapter : ìČœìžŹ(핹) Lesson 3. I’m happy. ( Grade Level:  Gr.4 )

-Learning Objective

  1. Students will be able to develop understanding about various vocabulary to express their own feelings and emotions.

2. Students will be able to ask and answer each other about their feelings and emotions using

the target language.


: Emotions Chart, Wordwall, 

Worksheet with artistic pictures ( + differentiated worksheet for lower level students), Emaze

1. Reviewing last learning : Anagram(WordWall)+Whisper game (Group work)

2. Feelings & Emotions Modified Tic-Tac-Toe (Pair work- Pattern drills)



  1. All cards are placed face down in a pile.

  2. First, choose a player to go first.

  3. You turn a card over and then your partner asks you “How are you feeling?”

  4. You have to answer along to the emotion on the card you turned over.

  5. You put your marks on the emotion.

<Round. 2>

  1. This time we’ll play the original Tic-Tac-Toe.

  2. The partner asks you “How are you feeling?” and the person who goes first answers any emotion she/he chose.

  3. Each player takes turns to block the other while trying to get the all-important three in a row!                                                                                                               

3. Write as many as you feel (Group work)

: This activity is planned as a differentiated lesson for lower level students.

*How to do

-Divide students into 2 groups of four.

-Sitting around in a circle having a picture for each. 

-Writing down words and emotions that come to the mind after seeing a picture in 20 seconds.

-Hand over the pictures to the next student and do the same activity.

-After each turn, students have a worksheet including a picture and write their short sentence starting with “I feel

-Students can write about various emotions they and their mates felt.
-In each group, students who have the same picture gather (Group of Experts), and present their feelings and emotions about the picture.
-Students of the 'picture group' put the picture on the wall.
*differentiated worksheet for lower level students
4. Homework (Liveworksheet)

Place prepositions

Level : advanced 4th grade

Lesson : Where is the cap? (place prepositions)

Motivation - OOO lost her phone. Where is the phone?

Development -1.  Problem solving activity -PPT, Worksheet

                   - Read out your clue card and find the answer!

                   - Easy version : Who is "Yellow"?

                   - Hard version : Where is "Doremi"? What color is it?


                 2. Treasure hunt - Padlet, smartphone/PC

                  - Walk around and select one secret item in this classroom. Go to the padlet. Record your clues using prepositions. ex) "It's on the desk. It's between ___ and __." Then, find other's treasure. If you find it, upload the name, sentence, and picture.

Teaching Demo #2 - Hyeji



Name:  Hyeji Lee                                                  Grade Level: Adult - Advanced 

Textbook/Chapter   (No Textbook)

Topic/Lesson Title: Reviewing TTP Vocabularies 

Source of Inspiration/ Experimental Goal

  • We’ve learned many words and expressions while we participated in TTP courses. I’ve been taking notes on difficult words and want to memorize them all. The zeal to memorize all the difficult vocabularies made me come up with this lesson plan. I also hope other TTP teachers do not forget what we’ve learned during TTP courses. 

  • Experimental Goal : We as teachers usually ask students to memorize 25 to 30 words in one period of class time and move on to the next class, assuming that they memorized all. One period of class time in middle school is only about 45 minutes and I’m wondering whether students really can memorize 25 to 30 words in 45 minutes.  Thus, I want to experiment on TTP teachers with their-level vocabularies. 

Language Skills: Vocabulary 

Learning Objective:  (What will learners know or be able to do after your lesson?)

  • Students will be able to memorize 25 words in 45 minutes. 

Teaching Development Goals: (What do you hope to learn and/or accomplish as an educator?
                                                      Which criteria will you be focusing on improving)

  • It’s similar to the learning objective. By using several vocabulary activities, I want students to memorize new words in one period of class time, 45 minutes. To make that happen, I prepared for several activities that are effective when memorizing words. 


  • Genially : It’s the main presentation tool that I used to proceed with my teaching. 


  • A4 paper book : By using an A4 paper, students can make a minibook of vocabulary.

Detailed Procedure



TEE Language Used


(2 minutes)

The teacher says hello to the students.

-Hello, everyone? How is everything going? 

-Although it’s the last class of today’s classes, don’t fall asleep and let’s have fun together. 

Sharing Lesson Objective

Using, the teacher shares class objective with students.

-Let’s read today’s objective out loud. 

-We only have one objective meaning that this is a really important one. 

Introducing TTP  25 words

Using, introduce TTP words and let students write down the meanings of words on their worksheet.

-Let’s learn 25 words that we learned or heard of during TTP class.  

Making a minibook and Memorizing words 

By showing the video about how to make a minibook, students are asked to make a minibook and write the words they learned. Students have to make a mini book and memorize words in 10 minutes. 

-Like the video tutorial, fold the paper in half and fold it again like me. 

-Please be careful of cutting the paper. 

-I will give you 10 minutes to make a minibook and also memorize words in the book.

-Your memorization will affect the game that we are going to do for the next activity. 

Review Game 


Students in groups participate in a game called Jeopardy. The teacher explains the rule of the game and students join. 

-Okay. Let’s review what we learned by playing the Jeopardy game. 

-I will explain the rules of the Jeopardy game so please pay attention. 

Wrap Up

No Homework.

The teacher wraps up the class. 

-We don’t have homework, but instead, we are going to take a test next time. Please prepare well for the test!

학생듀읎 ë‹šì–Ž 배틀을 íŒ€ìœŒëĄœ 할 수 있는 ì‚ŹìŽíŠž : quizletlive

Teaching Demonstraion - Dahee


Teaching demonstration lesson plan




Name:   Dahee Jo                      Grade Level:  3rd grade. Elementary


Topic/Lesson Title:

Body part

Source of Inspiration/ Experimental Goal

Learn body part voca naturally with TPR.

Language Skills:

Listening & Speaking

Learning Objective:  (What will learners know or be able to do after your lesson?)

 Students will be able to

 -Know body voca

 -After listen direction they can movie their body part

 -Make their own bodypart move

Teaching Development Goals: (What do you hope to learn and/or accomplish as an educator?

-Body part voca

-Having fun and study with no stress -minimizing tech things


Drum beat, Gummy bear music, Gummy bear video

Session plan

1st   - Body part with picture

2nd  - Hi my name is Joe.

3rd  - Dance with Gummy bear

1st Acticity - Body part with drawing

Ask student what body part do you know?
When student answer, draw that body part and complete all the body parts.

2nd Acticity - Hi my name is Joe
Follow motion with instruction.
body hit dance. 
For students level, modify direction more simple than original version.

Hi my name is Joe and I worked in the button factory.
One day, my boss said to me.
"Joe are you busy?"
I said, "No."
He said, "Push this button with your right hand."
Add and change body motion as the stage progressed.

3rd Acticity - Dance with Gummy bear
Before dance, no video, with music, give student dance instruction like this.
"Push your hands.", "Lift your legs."

Give them Gummy bear viedo and dance together.
Student should dance but stop when you say freeze.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Teaching Demonstration - Ahhyun Kim


Name: Ahhyun Kim                                                   Grade Level: 3rd

Textbook/Chapter   Chunjae/9. I  can swim
Topic/Lesson Title:

I can swim
Source of Inspiration/ Experimental Goal

Story telling, TPR(total physical response) methodology
Language Skills: Speaking
Learning Objective:  (What will learners know or be able to do after your lesson?)

Students can express themselves using ‘can, can’t’ auxiliary verb.
Teaching Development Goals: (What do you hope to learn and/or accomplish as an educator?
                                                      Which criteria will you be focusing on improving)
Clarity and efficiency of giving instructions and presenting information.
Kept student attention throughout
‘Josephine wants to dance’ story book

Detailed Procedure
TEE Language Used
1.     Present [Ellen’s show]
1-1)         Elicit Target language
-Introduce ‘Ellen’s show’ on TV
-        Guessing what kind of animal it is (Kangaroo)and Introducing today’s protagonist ‘Josephine’
-        Let students realize the meaning of ‘can, can’t’.
Who is that guy?
What is he doing?
What is your favorite TV show? 
Let’s find Kangaroo in this picture. 
Look at me and guess what I’m doing. 
I can jump
I can’t jump
I can eat mustard sauce.
I can’t eat mustard sauce. 
1-2)         Present specific context
-        ‘Josephine’ tells her story to students
- Introduce Ballet posture(‘Pirouette’, ‘point toes’, ‘curtsy’) 
-        Learning new animals(brolgas, lyrebird, Kangaroo)
Can you Jump?
Let’s make pirouette posture together. 
Place your feet like this. 
Between your feet there is an empty space. 
Place your one arm side, the other arm in front of you. 
Let’s make Curtsy together. 
Let’s point our toes together. 
2. Practice 
2-1)  Checking meaning
- Find things that Josephine can do
- Find things that Josephine can’t do
- Practice Ballet posture
2-2) Guided practice
-Pick up one card and Make a sentence using ‘can, can’t’ 
Josephine can pirouette.
Josephine can jump.
Josephine can point her toes.
Josephine can do curtsy. 
Let’s play the ‘Can, Can’t’ card game with your partner. 

3.     Perform[_____’s show]
3-1) Freer practice
-        Each student finds at least 3 things that they can do.
In your worksheet, There are blanks. You need to write the things that you can do using ‘can’. 
Write down as many as you can. 
3-2) Perform
-        Each students host a show about their experiences using sentences created during ‘Freer practice’
When students host a show, the other students can participate as  lyrebird, brolgas, kangaroo guests. 
Today’s special guest was Josephine. Now You will be the host. 
Let’s Start our Show right now. 

ppt materials

Story telling practice