Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Teaching Demonstraion - Dahee


Teaching demonstration lesson plan




Name:   Dahee Jo                      Grade Level:  3rd grade. Elementary


Topic/Lesson Title:

Body part

Source of Inspiration/ Experimental Goal

Learn body part voca naturally with TPR.

Language Skills:

Listening & Speaking

Learning Objective:  (What will learners know or be able to do after your lesson?)

 Students will be able to

 -Know body voca

 -After listen direction they can movie their body part

 -Make their own bodypart move

Teaching Development Goals: (What do you hope to learn and/or accomplish as an educator?

-Body part voca

-Having fun and study with no stress -minimizing tech things


Drum beat, Gummy bear music, Gummy bear video

Session plan

1st   - Body part with picture

2nd  - Hi my name is Joe.

3rd  - Dance with Gummy bear

1st Acticity - Body part with drawing

Ask student what body part do you know?
When student answer, draw that body part and complete all the body parts.

2nd Acticity - Hi my name is Joe
Follow motion with instruction.
body hit dance. 
For students level, modify direction more simple than original version.

Hi my name is Joe and I worked in the button factory.
One day, my boss said to me.
"Joe are you busy?"
I said, "No."
He said, "Push this button with your right hand."
Add and change body motion as the stage progressed.

3rd Acticity - Dance with Gummy bear
Before dance, no video, with music, give student dance instruction like this.
"Push your hands.", "Lift your legs."

Give them Gummy bear viedo and dance together.
Student should dance but stop when you say freeze.

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