Monday, June 4, 2018

Win a word


Topic/Lesson Title: Pronunciation games for elementary students
Source of Experimentation:
‘Pronunciation games’, by Mark Hancock, Cambridge university press
Language Skills: Sound awareness specially about
1) vowel sounds in words spelt with a final /e/,
2) minimal pairs, and
3) discrimination of sounds.
Learning Objective:
1. After the first activity students can pronounce one-syllable words with a final silent /e/, which are pronounce as it is in the alphabet. Also, they may learn some new words in fun way. 2. After the second activity students can focus to listen to minimal pairs in fun way, and they can practice the minimal pair with their partner.
3. The last activity can become many variations. Teacher can take some memo what the students hard to understand or pronounce. And if a student become a bingo caller, they will practice their pronunciation during the game.
1. PPTs
2. Flashcards
3. Storybook: ‘Pete the Cat, A Pet for Pete’ by James Dean video (related webpage : )
4. Dictionaries(Tablet PC)
Overview of Entire Lesson
1. Read the story: ‘A Pet for Pete’ - Teacher’s storytelling. - CCQs about the book - Retelling the story with the students
2. Word Presentation - Illustrate the pronunciation point with a final silent /e/. - Ask students to predict how the similar words might be pronounced. ( kale    mace       swede  cline splice        lode   rote    mule    cf. flute )
 3. Win a Word Game
- Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a pack of cards.  (The game could also be played in groups of three.) - Explain and / or give out the rules.
- During the game, teacher will help students to resolve any disputes.
 Ask players to pronounce the words that they have written down.
- After the game, check the words what students get all together.
Procedure of Portion Demonstrated(Include Classroom English)
1. Word presentation 
T : Let’s read out loud these words.  -rat   pet    sit    not   cut
    What’s the vowel sound of each word?   [ӕ], [e], [ɪ],[ɑ:],[ʌ]
    Try reading  these words. They have the addition of a final e. -rate   pete    site    note   cute
    What’s the vowel sound of each word?   [eɪ], [í:], [aɪ],[oʊ],[ju:]
    The vowel in the middle of these words is pronounced as the letter in the alphabet.
    Can you predict how the following words might be pronounced?
   - kale  mace swede  cline splice  lode rote mule   (*flute - “u” may also be pronounced /u:/ as in flute.)
2. Win a word game
T : The aim of the game is to win as many of the cards as possible. You will play with your partner.
    Each player will get a beginning word card and an ending word card.
    There should be two piles, one for word beginnings and one for word endings.
    All the word endings end with an e and are in a shape pointing to the right.
    Word beginnings are in a shape pointing left.
    Take turns, on your turn you will try to make a word among what you have already.
    All the players must decide together if this word exists.
    If they are not sure, they may ask the player who said the word to say what it means and then check it in a dictionary. If the word exists, this player will get the card.
    The game continues until all the cards that were dealt out at the beginning have been played.

Possible answers>
fa face fade fake fame fate
ho hole home hope hose
la lace lake lame lane late
li lice like lime line
ma mace made make male mate
ro robe rode role rome rope rose
ru rude rule
the theme these
ti tide tile time   
wi wide      wine wipe wise

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