Monday, August 13, 2018

Make yourself sound more natural : collocation


Name:  A Reum Seong                                                                                   Grade Level: Grade 11

Topic/Lesson Title :  Collocation

Source of Inspiration/ Experimental Goal

- Usage of website “Wordcloud Generator”, “ Create Cross word puzzle”
- Collocation domino game

Detailed Procedure
< warm up activity >

- Read a part of diary and find several unnatural expressions
- Guess the verb that can go together with the words in word cloud
- Explain types of collocation
: adverb + adjective, adjective + noun, noun + noun, noun + verb, verb + noun

< collocation dominoes >

- Make Ss into groups of 4
- Give Ss five collocation cards each and let them take turns to make collocation dominoes as
long as they can
- Let Ss make their own sentence using collocation when they add that collocation cards to

< wrap up activity >

- Let student check collocations on their dominoes using worksheet with the list of collocations
- Give worksheet for review (crossword puzzle)
- Review the collocations using memes

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