Friday, April 19, 2019

M3 'should have p.p' grammar - Sportscaster game

Name:  Kim, Hyeon-Ju                                          
Grade Level:  Senior in middle school


Topic/Lesson Title:
5. How We Think, What We Do
Source of Inspiration/ Experimental Goal
‘Should have p.p’ pattern learning based on students’ authentic living
Language Skills:
Writing, Reading and Listening
Learning Objective:  (What will learners know or be able to do after your lesson?)
- Structure :  To make sentences using should have p.p. : Tom should have thought twice.
Teaching Development Goals: (What do you hope to learn and/or accomplish as an educator?
                                                     Which criteria will you be focusing on improving)
I hope that Ss will look back on their past (kind of regret) and improve the ways to live a life.   
  • Google slide     -Youtube clip  - Giphy
  • ClassCard (visual presenter, drawing lots, timer)     
  • Worksheet       - Group work, pair work     

Detailed Procedure
                  TEE Language Used
Greet (1’)

Before You Begin (3')
-Have students look at the title and the picture.
-Have students ask and answer questions about the picture.
-Have students guess what the class is about.
What happened to her?
What do he/she think about it?
 Happy or sad
Building up
ppt (1')
-Help students understand the meaning and usage of 'should have p.p'.
-Have students take a note of the sentences that express the regret of each situation by using 'should have p.p.'
Write down

Individual practice
ppt (1')
-Have students practice the sentences that express the regret of each situation by using 'should have p.p.
-Have students check the answers with the teacher.
Guess what-?
Let’s make sentences of
Group work
-drama clip(10’)
-Soccer clip(10’)
-Sportscaster game(7’)  
-Have Ss remember 6 sentences they watched  in movie clip
-Have Ss make 4 sentences of regret after viewing a clip in group and show them through Classcard
-Have a member of each group present their sentences with the paper like Sportscaster
A soccer match between Korea and Colombia held
on March 26.
After viewing this match,
you will make 3 ‘should have p,p’ sentences.
Wrap up (3')
-inform Ss of next class

The worksheet (Sportscaster game) here!

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