Friday, August 7, 2020

Review of the Reading Passage (Using Keywords)

-Textbook/Chapter: 동아(윤) 3rd Grade Lesson 5. The Team Behind the Tea

-Topic/Lesson Title: Review of the reading passage “Hidden People in Sports!”

-Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to categorize the keywords of the passage.

  • Students will be able to explain the content of the passage by using keywords.


[Preview] Wordcloud
  • T makes a Wordcloud by using the text.

  • T asks Ss to guess what that "Wordcloud" refers to.

[1st Activity] Categorizing Keyword
: Since the text is divided into three part, T could let student categorizing keywords into proper categories. You can choose either one of the two suggested options!
(Using Padlet)
  • T mixed up the keyword cards and let Ss move the keyword cards into right categories on Padlet.
(Using Worksheet)
  • T cuts the keyword cards and distributes them to Ss
  • T asks Ss to categorize the keyword and put them in order as they appeared in a text.

[2nd Activity] Petit Bac
  • T introduces Petit Bac activity by showing a video of the Korean TV show ‘The Brainiacs’ (
  • T teaches some rules of Petit Bac
- The word should start with the consonant suggested by a teacher.
- The word should be appropriate to the categories.
(It should be related to the categories and text.
If not, a team cannot get a point and the turn goes to other teams.)
- The word should be one word.
- If a team finish writing words, say "Petit Bac"
- After saying "Petit Bac", no one can write down anything.
- (How to Score)
1) If other teams wrote the same word, other teams can get the point.
2) If no other teams wrote the same word, a team who says "Petit Bac" can get a point.
  • PLAY IT!

[3rd Activity] Collaborative Puzzle
  • T cut the question cards into 4 pieces and distribute them to the teams.
  • In a team, each student should get 1 piece of the question card.
  • T asks Ss to fill in the blanks.
  • T asks Ss to collect every letter in a triangle shape and put them in order from the first one in <A> to the last one in <D>
  • Then Ss can find another sentence
  • [REMARK] Since this is a group work, if there is a student who finishes early, then T should ask him/her to help other teammates.

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