Monday, July 2, 2018

Giving directions with coding : Where is the museum?

Target Language : Go straight _ block(s) , Turn left/right.

Intro : Showing the cartoons where a man is confused with the long directions that the old lady gave, elicit what SS are going to learn and make them feel how important it is to give simple directions.

Going through some vocabularies, just jump into the following activities.

Act 1) Maze runner
SS can explore the coding site below using target languages.

Act 2)
Picture dictate : SS draw any shape on the grid as they want, then take turns say clear instructions to their partner to make the one draw the exactly same shape. 

Act 3) Program the rocket to a planet
-Divide ss into 3 teams.
-Decide their team name out of two options; Earth, Mars.
-Each team is given the map with the rocket in it. They decide where their Earth or Mars is placed on the map.
 -Program the rocket to Earth/Mars using 3 instructions they’ve just learned. They need to write down the arrows to complete the program.
-Then, they need to guess where the opponent planet is located.
-Team Earth: ‘Where is the Earth?’
-Team Mars : (guessing) Giving directions with the target languages
-Team Earth answers in 3 different ways depending on the other's guessing.
  1) If your planet is in the same column or row, you have to say 'It was so close'.
  2) If your planet is somewhere else, you have to say 'try again.'
  3) If your planet is exactly where others guess say 'That's right.'

The first team to succeed in the attack is the winner.

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